PayPal, Yamaha Motor and Amazon deemed customer relationship leaders by consumers in Ricoh ‘Triple R’ research
Consumers challenge brands to be more personal, efficient and responsive in their comms
Ricoh Europe has devised a ‘Triple R’ rating where consumers rank how brands build quality relationships with them before (Reach), during (Respond) and after (Retain) purchase.
Out of consumer-facing brands operating across Europe , those deemed excellent in each of the three areas are:
1. PayPal | 11. Walt Disney |
2. Yamaha Motor | 12. BMW Group |
3. | 13. H&M |
4. Apple | 14. Marks & Spencer |
5. Samsung Electronics | 14. Nokia |
6. Adidas | 14. Carrefour |
7. eBay | 16. Philips |
7. Microsoft | 16. Pandora |
7. Alphabet (Google) | 18. Siemens |
10. Sony | 19. Facebook |
The research also reveals that 57% would spend more with brands that make them feel valued, further emphasising the need for businesses to communicate in a more bespoke way.
David Mills, CEO, Ricoh Europe, said: “Consumers see Triple R brands as being at the top of their game when it comes to providing a fast and tailored service. This makes the need for optimised internal processes and the right technology essential to giving customers what they want. The research we commissioned shows fifty seven percent of consumers would also spend more with brands that make them feel like valued customers. This heightens the fact that driving business growth must be intimately linked to making interactions easy and ensuring consumers feel appreciated.”
Consumers want brands to reassess where in the customer journey they place closest attention to their needs. 50% believe brands care most about their customers prior to a purchase. 59% believe brands tend to only care about their money and not the level of customer service provided. And 70% would prefer brands to focus more on their needs during and after the purchase.
Mills continued: “Success in a digital-first world relies on brands using the right digital solutions to move closer to the customer. Automating time-consuming processes so that staff can focus on tasks that drive customer satisfaction. This creates win-win scenarios for company and customer, which supports profitable growth. The right technology along with streamlined digital processes are the most powerful tools in the battle to satisfy and retain today’s consumers.”
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Katarzyna Dawidowska
Ricoh Polska Sp. z o.o.