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Leading Change at Work

Technologia zmienia sposób naszej pracy. W Ricoh dbamy o to, aby zmiana ta była zjawiskiem pozytywnym dla Twoich zespołów i Twojej firmy. Wspieramy Ciebie i Twoich pracowników na każdym etapie, aby zapewnić szybką transformację środowiska pracy w Twojej firmie.
Poznaj wszystkie nasze rozwiązania
seamless digital workspace experience
Cyfrowe środowisko pracy


Jesteśmy świadkami kształtowania się nowego modelu pracy. Na bazie naszych rozwiązań, oprogramowania i usług wspieramy Twoją firmę w tworzeniu innowacyjnego środowiska pracy, które pozwoli podnieść zaaangażoanie, komfort i efektywność w Twoim zespole.
Poznaj wszystkie nasze rozwiązania
Zarządzanie procesami biznesowymi

Zorientowani na sukces

Uwolnij swoich pracowników od wykonywania ręcznych,  czasochłonnych i nieefektywnych zadań. Pomożemy Ci zoptymalizować procesy, aby Twoi pracownicy mogli działać skuteczniej. Zapewnimy nowoczesną technologię, specjalistyczną wiedzę i pełne wsparcie dla uproszczenia i usprawnienia procesów w Twojej organizacji.
Poznaj wszystkie nasze rozwiązania
Infrastruktura i chmura

Chmura obliczeniowa

Pełne wykorzystanie możliwości i wartości, jakie daje chmura wymaga odpowiedniego planu działania i zespołu, który go zrealizuje. Oferujemy rozwiązania w chmurze i specjalistyczną wiedzę, dzięki którym działania Twojej firmy staną się bardziej efektywne, oszczędne i bezpieczne.
Poznaj wszystkie nasze rozwiązania

Koniec z ryzykownym działaniem

Pomożemy Ci zaplanować skuteczną ochronę przed cyberzagrożeniami. Przeanalizujemy wrażliwe punkty, sprawdzimy procedury i świadomość pracowników. Wspólnie wdrożymy najlepsze zabezpieczenia, które będą stały na staży bezpieczeństwa Twojej firmy.
Poznaj wszystkie nasze rozwiązania
Digital Experience

Nowy poziom doświadczenia

Doskonałe doświadczenie klienta zaczyna się od doskonałego doświadczenia pracowników. Nasz wysoko wykwalifikowany zespół analityków danych i programistów projektuje, buduje, wdraża i serwisuje rozwiązania, których potrzebujesz.
Poznaj wszystkie nasze rozwiązania
Biurowe urządzenia drukujące i software

Najlepsza jakość w swojej klasie

Ricoh jest producentem wysokiej jakości urządzeń drukujących (drukarek, wielofunkcyjnych urządzeń drukujących oraz powielaczy). Oferujemy urządzenia o różnorodnych parametrach. Z łatwością dobierzesz sprzęt dostosowany do potrzeb Twojego zespołu.
Poznaj nasze produkty i oprogramowanie

Innowacyjna platforma do zamawiania wsparcia technicznego

Pełne wsparcie serwisowe dla produktów i usług w jednym miejscu. Oferujemy wsparcie, doradztwo i rozwiązania dla utrzymania sprawności działania Twojej firmy.
Uzyskaj wsparcie
AV technology and management

Wszystkie informacje w jednym miejscu

Przeczytaj najnowsze wiadomości, analizy i komentarze dotyczące najważniejszych trendów oraz wydarzeń.
Bądź na bieżąco z informacjami
News and events from Ricoh

Kim jesteśmy i czym się zajmujemy

Podczas realizacji usług kluczowa jest dla nas bliska współpraca z klientem. Dzięki temu podejściu, nasze rozwiązania są bardzo dobrze dostosowane do konkretnych potrzeb danej organizacji i efektywnie wspierają ją w realizacji kluczowych celów biznesowych.
Dowiedz się więcej o Ricoh

Skontaktuj się z nami

Jeżeli masz pytania dotyczące cen naszych rozwiązań lub produktów, potrzebujesz pomocy w związku z obsługą konta lub korzystasz już z naszych produktów i masz pytanie z zakresu pomocy technicznej, nasz zespół jest do Twojej dyspozycji.
Skontaktuj się z nami
customer and employee engagement

Pomagamy Ci zyskać przewagę konkurencyjną

Sprawdź i przeczytaj nasze najnowsze informacje o tym, co aktualnie liczy się najbardziej w rozwiązaniach biznesowych.
Poznaj najnowsze informacje
Ricoh Insights - Overview

Ricoh TotalFlow DocEnhancer

Edit PDF documents easily
Does this scenario sound familiar? Just before you send PDF files to print, customers ask you to make last-minute changes or additions. They want to swap a logo or signature on a business letter. Or they tell you the wrong picture is on a direct mail piece. Or they want to add a link. Now what? Send the PDF back to the graphic designer or the customer and wait for the new file? Not anymore.

Fix, preview and print
RICOH TotalFlow DocEnhancer is an Adobe® Acrobat plug-in that lets you edit print-ready PDF files on the shop floor instead of sending them back to the graphic designer or to the customer. The software is so simple that anyone can use it. And, you can preview and check the changes before you create a new file. Make changes like these in no time:

  • Set up page groups that mark the individual mailings within a single PDF file, edit the first group and apply edits across all groups
  • Nudge an address block so it lines up with the envelope window
  • Add Optical Mark Recognition (OMR) marks, barcodes or QR codes
  • Hide data or images
  • Add text or images using conditional logic, so the additions are placed only on the appropriate pages
  • Update signatures on notification letters

Save time, edit large files quickly
Acrobat Professional is a great tool for static, individual PDF documents. But it isn’t designed to help you edit PDFs that contain hundreds or thousands of personalized mail pieces or statements, each of which can be a different number of pages. When you need to edit large and complex PDF files quickly, use RICOH TotalFlow DocEnhancer.

Automate more tasks
In addition making last-minute PDF edits, RICOH TotalFlow DocEnhancer can help you lower cost and manage information more easily. Use the optional Postal Enablement feature, which you can install yourself, to extract address information from fully composed documents so it can be sent to third-party software for address cleansing, address suppression and sorting. Or, add manufacturing barcodes that can be read by insertion equipment for tracking and control, or prepare files for a separate production workflow tool.

Amaze your customers with new services
With RICOH TotalFlow DocEnhancer, you can market new capabilities, all based on extracting data from PDF files and putting it to more uses. For example, let’s say a customer accidentally deletes the mailing list of names and addresses. You can pull out the metadata from a file and provide the list. Or, make life easier for your customers in these ways:

  • Edit and cleanse addresses
  • Extract data, like recipient contact information, mailing numbers or offers made, for purposes of simple analytics or chargebacks
  • Personalize mailings with variable text
  • Enable cross-media marketing by adding QR codes
  • Use enhanced conditional logic to control variables in complex jobs
  • Use any fonts that are installed on your operating system
Funkcje i zalety

Standard Features

  • Preview a print sample
  • The preview print feature enables you to print a representative sample of pages from within a job for approval, as a step within a workflow. And you can track the approval process and comply with audit requests.
  • Simplify reprinting or repositioning
  • You can use the browser-based viewer to select the correct print jobs in the queue for precise repositioning and reprints.
  • Relax, the database is good to go RICOH ProcessDirector Express has an embedded IBM® DB2® database, a powerful engine that lets you grow without adding overhead cost. It can handle the production details for millions of documents so you can keep saying yes to new work.
  • Never say no to add-on software
  • With the ability to plug in optional features and to interact with third-party software, you can manage both current and future production processes and lower overall total cost of print. Even better, you can control third-party software from within the workflow builder so you maintain a single point of control.
  • Build workflows quickly and easily
  • There’s no need to build workflows from scratch—too time consuming! With RICOH ProcessDirector Express, you can drag and drop icons to build simple or complex workflows quickly. Visual diagrams represent the flow of jobs through your system. When you apply conditional logic to automate business decisions, you set up the rules that send jobs through workflow branches automatically. For example, you can specify logic that will drive jobs that are over a set page count to print automatically on continuous feed printers and route smaller jobs to your cutsheet devices.

Optional features

  • New! Archive jobs for months or years and retrieve them easily
  • Accommodate requirements for long-term file storage. You can archive jobs and their associated index information as a step in a workflow, and you can quickly and easily search for a document or job using the indexed properties. After you retrieve a job, you can view it, reprint it by submitting it back into the workflow or take other actions. After jobs that need to be archived are moved out of the active job table, your operators can use their time more efficiently because they're managing fewer files on a day-to-day basis.
  • New! Enable your production and MIS systems to share information
  • The Avanti Slingshot Connect feature enables your MIS system to send job and JDF information from the Avanti Slingshot MIS system to RICOH ProcessDirector Express, which processes it. Thereafter, our software can provide job status related to specific workflow steps, time duration and pages printed to Avanti. By integrating these systems and automating the reporting process, you can use Avanti to track all jobs in a single system, calculate production costs, manage inventory and use Avanti's advanced scheduling tools.
  • Extract address information
  • Save time and reduce postal costs with the Postal Enablement feature, which automates a critical early step in your mail workflow. The feature identifies address information in fully composed documents, extracts it and presents it to third-party software postal optimization software for address cleansing, address suppression and sorting. The feature is tested with industry-leading software, but you can use it with postal tools of all types. You can install the feature yourself or ask our Professional Services team to install it as part of a comprehensive automated mail workflow. When the Postal Enablement feature is integrated with RICOH ProcessDirector Express, the software automatically pulls out address information and puts back corrected address information as steps in workflow. The Postal Enablement feature comes with a plug-in for Acrobat so you can easily index PDF files — even those pesky fully composed versions you receive.
  • Prove every document is printed accurately
  • When your staff has to manually find and reprint damaged or missing pieces, this takes a lot of time and might put deadlines at risk. Instead, you can use the optional Automated Verification feature for piece-level tracking and reporting. This feature works in PDF or Advanced Function Presentation™ (AFP™) workflows, and it automates the entire verification process, which you can monitor and manage through the RICOH ProcessDirector Express GUI. Here's how Automated Verification helps you confirm that jobs are complete and accurate:
  • Adds a unique barcode to each piece
  • Works with inexpensive bolted-on or standalone hand-held barcode-capable cameras
  • Leverages the power of the ProcessDirector system, so you don’t need to procure or run a separate system
  • Scans each piece that moves through the workflow
  • Reconciles completed and non-completed pieces
  • Creates a reprint file
  • Provides a final reconciliation report
  • Stay on top of deadlines
  • Deadlines drive your business, and if you miss any, you risk unhappy customers and possibly financial penalties. The optional Deadline Tracker feature of RICOH ProcessDirector Express makes it easy to stay on top of deadlines, based on criteria you set. Because it works closely with the RICOH ProcessDirector Express workflow builder, Deadline Tracker is able to predict a job's path through a conditional workflow and apply scheduling time only to the steps that will occur. This means Deadline Tracker can accurately predict two things: when a job is taking longer than expected and when a delay puts the job at risk of missing its deadline.
  • All status information appears on the GUI, so you're able to monitor all of your jobs in one place. Even with rush jobs that interrupt your schedule, Deadline Tracker helps keep your shop running at top efficiency.
  • Manage multivendor devices within the workflow
  • With optional cutsheet support for Xerox and Kodak printers, you can manage them just like Ricoh printers. You can select media and finishing operations and set up job properties in RICOH ProcessDirector Express and JDF job tickets (using JDF XRX and KDK commands if you like). And you can use these properties to search for and schedule jobs with similar requirements. When these devices are managed by our workflow software, you can use any of them for printing or reprinting and know that all printed pages are the same.
  • Apply logic to media and finishing decisions
  • When you opt for the PDF Mailroom Integrity feature, you can improve mail handling and earn postal discounts. But there's a lot more to this feature. You can select media and set up finishing rules visually. For example, you can mine information, such as a recipient’s name or club member status, from a multi-document print job and dynamically set up the paper on which it prints. Or, easily find the document boundaries within a print job. Then, for example, if a document is greater than a certain number of pages, direct it to be perfect bound. Or, staple documents with fewer pages.
  • After you use the logic-based tools to set up the media and finishing requirements for every document, RICOH ProcessDirector Express can use this knowledge to further improve productivity. For example, all the documents to be perfect bound can be peeled out of the job and run separately and on a different time table.
  • No PDF? No problem.
  • If you have a need to manage documents, but your data is in another datastream, the optional Transforms feature allows you to use Adobe® PDF, PostScript®, PCL and Advanced Function Presentation™ (AFP™) print data easily within the system. You can take advantage of document-level information and control.
  • Fine tune print production efficiency
  • The optional Reports feature helps you with capacity planning, production efficiency measurement, and problem determination. You can collect data about job events, user actions and printer activity, and generate reports based on the data.
  • View reports and change how the information is displayed.
  • Modify the supplied reports to create your own customized reports.
  • Save and delete reports.
  • Export reports as comma-separated value (CSV) files so you can print them or manipulate the data in spreadsheets or other applications.
  • Run a report as a step in your workflow.
  • Automate the pre-flight process
  • The optional Enfocus PitStop Connect feature provides a standard step to call PitStop server and automates the process that prepares files for print. One less manual task to worry about!
  • Apply impositioning templates automatically
  • The optional Ultimate Impostrip Connect feature provides a standard interface from RICOH ProcessDirector Express to Ultimate Impostrip OnDemand Digital Automation (ODDA). Save time by invoking templates within a workflow.

Powiązane oprogramowanie i aplikacje

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  • TotalFlow Prep

    TotalFlow Prep

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